Pandit Baskaran was born in Chennai, India in 1967. At age 8 he moved to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Ashram in Rishikesh to study to be a pandit under the guidance of Maharishi. He continued his training until age 21, moving to the Maharishi Ashram in Noida, Delhi where he also completed his Transcendental Meditation teacher training over three years. Once graduated as a teacher, he moved back to his home in Chennai to teach meditation in the local Tamil language. He taught at Veda Vidyam Vishwavidya Peedam - the TM movement’s centre for spirituality.
Over the next five years, Pandit Baskaran studied via correspondence with the Madras University to gain a BA in economics, followed by a MA in economics, completing his studies with a BED in economics. Pandit Baskaran continued to teach Transcendental Meditation until 2005, becoming the topmost teacher in India. He received a certificate of honour for initiating over 80,000 people in the art and science of meditation during this time.
In 1999 Pandit Baskaran met his wife Valli. A devoted woman from the south of India with a BAC in mathematics. They had two sons over the following years, Hariharan in 2002 and Puroshotaman in 2005.
In 2003 a synchronistic encounter with Vedic Meditation teacher Thom Knoles reinitiated a friendship that continues to this day. In 2004 Pandit Baskaran returned to Noida, Delhi to refresh and advance his training with the TM organisation, deepening his wisdom of the Veda and it’s intricate subtleties. In 2005 Pandit Baskaran asked to leave the TM movement. Because of his dedication and devotion over the past 30 years, he was given permission to be an independent teacher of the practice.
Today he continues to teach Vedic Meditation privately in Chennai. On October 26th 2015 he opened his own meditation centre called Silence Dynamism Palace. From here he shares his wealth of wisdom of the Veda with his students. He also performs Vedic ceremonies such as abishekam and yagya of which he is a master.
Vedic Meditation teachers around the world are blessed to have Pandit Baskaran as part of their retreats in India as he performs yagya, chants mantra and demonstrates a life lived in devotion.
“Guru Deva sits in my heart.” - Pandit Baskaran
Swami brahmananda saraswti - ‘guru deva’